Treasure (blogophilia 27.5)

“Truth is lived, not taught.”  This was written on the piece of paper with a sketch of fuzzy penguin slippers next to some trees.  To Billy’s ten year old mind, it had to be a treasure map.  How to crack the code?  Trees.  That probably meant the woods at the end of the lane.  Slippers?  There was only one way to find out.

Down to the where the sidewalk ends he went.  He hopped the fence and there were the slippers.  And next to them was an owl with a tootsie roll pop.  

It was a treasure map, after all. 


  1. Lovely, short and sweet with everything in it.

  2. Replies
    1. I used to contribute to a group that did these some years ago (101 word challenge), but they kind of fell apart.

  3. this is really quite brilliant Christopher .... short and very much to the point with everything in there ... but above all ... a really interesting read... plus the cute factor goes off the scale... lol.. loved it pal...

  4. Treasures can be found anywhere. I just found one here
    8 points Earthling! :)

  5. Hopefully in a few more years the words/quote will be more of a treasure than the tootsie pop


  6. Ah the sweet treasures we find when we choose to believe!


    1. Indeed. When I was small, there was an orange grove at the end of the street and I used to think up all sorts of adventures there.

  7. Now, I want that tootsie roll pop.Now, that it is found, how to convince the owl to give it to me,lol!

    1. The Owl is a Republican. You'll have to get your own pop, Missy.

  8. Wow....that is a fantastic write! A drabble, you say..... I just read Sue's post and her comment above. Now I'm definitely intrigued. Gonna have to give this a try, especially on weeks when I am a little stumped! Well done!!!

    1. Yep. I've got a few older ones in the archives. The challenge is getting it to the 100 or 101 word limit imposed and make the story work.


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