Bottom of the Barrell

Hey, Heidy and Howdy! It’s a bright, beautiful morning here on WOFT, Old Fart’s Radio.  I’m Harry Handy, your randy dandy radio host.  Have you had your Metamucil today?  Here, we spin songs so old; they really should be science experiments.  Moldy, goldy and straight from the bottom of the remainder bin at the record store, just like my audience.  Somebody asked me if I knew Ben Gay.  Knew him?  I watched him being born. Yeah, that was scraping the bottom of the barrel.    

We welcome a new affiliate here to our ancient tunes network, the ladies of the Group Blogging Experience.  And are they experienced!  I understand we have a couple actual Woodstock veterans in the group.  That was a long time and many substances ago.  They have run the gamut of friends, others, children and grandchildren.  In honor of those folks, I have some special tunes planned. Like this one.

The ladies indicated they were working with the word “Bottom” this week.  It almost sounds like a Sesame Street intro.  “Brought to you by the letter ‘b’ and the number ‘2’”…

I had some appointments downtown this morning.  When Ifinished, I stopped in a Starbucks to catch up on some phone calls.  The fellow in line next to me said there were now locations that were now serving beer and wine.  Just the thing for you, Starbucks Beer Buzz for Breakfast.  I can see people sneaking it in with their covered cups.  It certainly would make the morning status meeting go a lot easier.  I think Sheryl Crowe said something about that.

That's about as much fun as this old heart can handle.  So for all of us here at good ol' WOFT , please remember to....

Good night.


  1. you got a great thing going with this one :D

  2. The comment at Starbucks is what got it started. I kind of sketched it out from there.

  3. was great listening to these again..and wow..heard for the first time what Cheryle buzz in the morning? nah...not for me..LOL but this sure was fun to read..bottom line !

  4. This one made me smile from start to finish. :O)

  5. Laughing, smiling and remembering some of that stuff! Beer buzz...hahahahaha....for breakfast at the office, well, it's a new world, ain't it?

  6. This was so fun with the music and all. Love it!!


  7. I love the oldie moldies and I was just a kid during Woodstock. Thanks for the memories!

    Michelle K.

  8. Love this!

    Groovy tunes and a lot memories!

  9. Imma give you two thumbs up for including video of The Band!


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