Harry Handy on the Election (Blogphilia 29.5)

Hey, Heidy and Howdy. It’s another beautiful evening here at WOFT, Old Farts Radio.  And your intrepid interpreter of all things cultural, Harry Handy is on the air to get you through this next election. And it appears we are going to need all the help we can get.

Honestly, folks.  Have you ever seen a bunch of supposedly grown adults act like such children?  They get down in the puddles of public opinion and fling mud (and other things) at each other in attempt to attract the most attention.   The candidates and their minions might call themselves Elephants and Jackasses, but in reality they are just….

 I recently went to Italy with Kathy, my fine, supermodel wife.  We were in Florence and we happened on a game of Calcio Fioretino.  It is a ancient game and an ancestor to modern Rugby.    

I was like Deacon Andy Griffith wanting a big orange while I was watching all the festivities. We had never seen anything quite like it.  The game opened with great pomp and circumstance, with teams (or armies, if you will) parading about like old Roman Gladiators.  Then the whistle blows and you find out the rules.  There are none, except for the size of the team.  Oh, I think there was a prohibition on head shots, but that was routinely ignored.   In others words, just like the U. S. election process.  No one cares how much blood is left in the sand, just as long as they get votes.   

Maybe we should chuck our currently election process for one based on the field of honor.  We would at least thin out the weakest combatants. But that would boomerang into something we don’t really want.  

Oh, wait.  I think we got the new version of this guy already.  Too late.

 Anyway, sleep tight.  And don't forget a prayer for those who perished in New York and DC 11 years ago


  1. Hey, Heidy, Ho!
    It is a fascinating sport you know!
    angels and demons each calling the other so.
    It is hard to tell the difference
    when all that mud gets thrown!

    Anyway I am here to say
    it is 8 points for you Earthling! :)
    Enjoy the games!

  2. Lets fix germandering and maybe in a generation we can walk the high road (again?)


  3. some good song in there.. good post

  4. Love Carlin, I think he hit the nail on the head! Great music and wonderful blog!

    1. Scarily so. As he said, it's one big club and we aren't in it.

  5. I am so sick of these never-ending campaigns and all the crap that gets slung along with it. And it seems no sooner than the Inauguration Ball is over, the talk starts about who's going to run in 4 years. SO OVER IT! *sigh*

    But I do love George Carlin.... ;)

    1. And the talk of how the person has already failed and they need to be replaced.

      One of my favorite song lines is from Stephen Still's "Daylight Again". "If everyone is talking and no one is listening, how can we decide?"

  6. I won't forget. Great post.

    Diana J

  7. I'm always so glad when the election is over and it does seems so much compared to the game of Calcio Fioretino

    1. I forgot to leave my name to this comment

      Michelle K

  8. i think all politicians should go one on one with their opponet in a mud pit and the same goes for heads of state of dissagreeing countries.
    Great Write Christopher always enjoy Harry Handy!

  9. Lie detectors. We need politicians hooked up to lie detectors, PERMANENTLY. ~~Chickee


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