So, who am I-For the Blogging Lounge #1

I get this question from time to time.  Who IS Another Government Employee.  Well, I answered this one time:  Who am I?.

But that changed over time.  So, I did an update;  Meet and Greet

While that helps, it doesn't really capture the essence.

I developed the AG.E. persona so I could sign on to the Neal Boortz website and heckle him.  The tag line that used to grace every entry :"Sixth House on Right, Off 9-27, PDK Atlanta" really does describe the location of my house.  Boortz is a pilot and used to keep his airplanes at the airport up the street.  Most of my posts were just making fun of him and his bombastic views.  He would never respond, though.

As a writer, I'm all over the board.  I tend towards shorter pieces and free verse.  Rigid forms are too confining to me.  So, you will see very few sonnets.  Only exception is haiku.  They are fun.

I do characters as well.  Some have been around for a long time.  Others just a bit.

So, welcome to my bar.  It's open 24 hours a day.  And it is completely free. 


  1. Nope not gotta leave a note or you're just a freeloader! I am no freeloader.
    Nice to hear a new little take on who you are...wouldn't mind more, though.
    Nice to hear from you.

  2. I did not know the stuff about Atlanta, Christopher. Interesting... I don't know anything about this Neal fellow, but I cannot imagine you heckling anyone. You are generally such a calm fellow.

    What is a Blogging Lounge?

    1. Blogging Lounge is a new group Arianna Browning has started to replace the Group Blogging Experience. 2 prompts a month.

      Anyway,, is Boortz. He was nationally syndicated, but you may not have heard him unless you were in Memphis or Nashville.

  3. Looking forward to reading more of your work!

    1. Depending on projects, I post 1-3 times a week. This location has about 225 posts, so feel free to dig into the archives.

  4. Nice to find a bit out about you Christopher. I don't recall seeing the characters, now you have my curiosity.

    1. You've met Harry Handy, Martha Halpern and Jerry Goldstein. If you go further back, you'll see Yves Milleux, the Butler and Kari Summers. I have a couple of others I haven't pulled out in a while.

      Please keep reading. Thanks.

    2. Count on it Christopher. :-) Perhaps it has just been too long since I came out of my paper caves to read you.

  5. always a pleasure to see you and read your words, long or short versions you express yourself very well.

  6. the term for your writing is "versatile" and it's true never know what the reader is going to get. That is a good thing.
    Now get going on your bloggy for this week!

  7. Christopher, snooped around a bit and liked what I found - nice work. And I LOVE that you gave the location of your house. (And I'm with you on the chocolate sentiment!)

  8. Nice to get to know you just a little. Looking forward to more.

  9. It's always good to keep post short but unlimited. It's also great to be back with Another Gov't Employee. It's been awhile.

  10. should be entertaining following along.... looking forward to it. :)

  11. And with the name Christopher, you're sure to be interesting. I know this because brother's name is Christopher and I've yet to meet a man with that name who isn't someone captivating.

  12. You had me at "free bar"........ ;)

  13. Christopher! I saw AGE and I couldn't believe it was YOU! I hadn't seen you around since MySpace! This was as usual so well written. I've missed reading your stuff. Good to be back and so happy I ran into your blog! Good job!

    1. I'm glad you found me. I've had this set up for about two years. After TheSpazz got so difficult, I tried to write on Facebook Notes, but I found this was more flexible. Especially for sharing across platforms.


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