Whining. (Group Blogging Experience 35)

"That's too much work!"

"I don't see how they expect this to get done."

Whining.  I hear it every day.  Usually by the same people.  Like a little kid who know no better than to sit in the middle of the room and complain about every little thing.  It is a negative energy that sucks the life out of every one around them.

My mother was a whiner.  Nothing was ever right.  Nothing was ever good enough.  And yet she herself would do little to nothing to improve her situation.  She never realized that for all the time she spent complaining, she could have at least progress on the problems that plagued her.

Even today when I hear the whines at work, I cringe.  Why are you complaining?  You are employed and have good health.  90% of the world is in worse shape.  Just hush and keep going forward.  It is the best we can all do. 


  1. LOL, my mother would LOVE this one, I am going to have to tell her about it. She cannot stand whining, never has, never will! (needless to say she passed that on to me ;-)

  2. Don't forget the annoying pitch of a whine. It might not be half as bad if said in a normal tone.


  3. Right there with ya! Whining and complaining drive me insane! I know that's a short putt, but still.

  4. Yeah. The pitch. It usually sounds like a dentist drill.

  5. I can't help it. Someone whines and my eyes roll. Then I give them the stink eye and stalk away.

  6. Whiners bug me, too.

  7. I think I'm a whiner so they don't bother me as much as some, but my husband REALLY hates them. Hmmm maybe because he lives with me. You've got me thinking.

  8. I don't whine so much as fret and maybe that comes across as whining. What I am really doing is worrying about everyone and everything! I hope I'm not a whiner... am I? Oh dear... Good post :o)

  9. Great post! I've been guilty of some of this in the past, but I try not to be negative any more. I like your philosophy.

  10. is that white or red whine? Pass the cheese please

  11. Amen, I don't have much tolerance for whiners. My kids know it all to well! :P Well done!


    1. I hear it all day long at work. All I want to say is "shut up!'

  12. had a visual...every time they complain; spray air freshener in the air...LOLOL


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