So Here We Are (GBE 2, #33)


The first frontier.

What we put up with on a daily basis.

The petty jealousies and overt whining.

Trying to do the tasks assigned.

Every day I go to the office with my To Do list all ready, fueled by a pot of coffee.  The office is always empty.  Everyone else drags in when they can.  I find I get much more work when I don't have to listen to everyone else whine.  I answer my emails and prepare my responses to my clients.

Then I sit back and listen.

"I don't see how they expect us to to do this."

"Too much work.  Too many changes."

I've heard it all before.

Guess what?  If those people had just sat down and did the task, they'd be done by now.

It really is annoying.


  1. Hey, I remember you!!!! From Myspace days---miniv :D

    Oh golly, this is an age old issue...I see it all the time with my kids...and ME! These are folks who obviously have a JOB. Put in their time and then see ya--bye! I much prefer to do something that I enjoy! And it seems you do, too!

  2. My kids heard that a lot growing up, "Just stop bitchin' and get busy. You coulda been done by now!" As grownups, they finally get it.

  3. Well put Chris! Procrastination doesn't accomplish anything although in some instances, like creative art, we wait for the right inspiration to come in and when it hits us, it's just perfect. But for a well-defined list of task such as u described above, procrastination doesn't help.

  4. A succinct rant which speaks for the thoughts of many of us! Nicely done :o)

  5. Have been a government worker myself and my husband was with the post office until retirement, WE HEAR YOU.

  6. "If those people had just sat down and did the task, they'd be done by now."


    Oh, and I'm so glad to see another of the old group back! :O)

  7. Oh, I know! All the energy that is put into complaining and wrestling with work that needs to be done! I love the slogan for Nike and use it quite often with my kids when they're procrastinating..."just do it!"

  8. Dear Lord please give me a drama free work space.

  9. Dear Lord please give me a drama free work space.


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