Obituary (Blogophilia 36.5)

The call came.
The one I knew would.
The confirmation
Of your admission
To the Dead Poet's Society.

Denali Glacier now
Contains your ashes.
The bitter Alaska winds
Brush your hair.

Running away
From your past,
Your family,
Your life,
Never looking back.

And for what?
You weren't the Colossus.
You didn't build a Pyramid.
You went to discover those things
And maybe yourself.

And we have been left
To wonder why
We were left


  1. Sadly some trips have to be made alone, I don't understand it - but I've seen often enough to believe it must be so


    1. I never understood either.

      This is for and about my brother, William W. Mitchell, Jr. My sister was notified of his passing a couple of weeks ago by the Alaska authorities. He moved up there in 1980 and cut off contact from the rest of our family in 1985 (around the time of my Mother's death). I had made attempts over the last 10 years to reestablish contact, but I never was successful.

      He was 59.

  2. I'm so sorry. The lack of closure is painful

    The poem was beautiful especially

    The bitter Alaska winds
    Brush your hair.

    1. Yes. We never knew exactly what cause his break, although I have to guess it was about Mother.

  3. Not to have reconnected before his passing leaves a gaping hole in the family. I am wondering if the authorities will send his effects to your sister or yourself. Perhaps within them lies the clue as to why. 8 points Earthling! :)

    1. I haven't heard how that is going to be handled. I do know there are some employment items (final wages and maybe a small amount of insurance) that my sister will likely handle. I'm doubting there will be much in material effects. I'm hoping nobody actually has to go up there right now. Besides the nine hour flight, they are down to 5 hours daylight and the cold is setting in.

  4. I seems a lonely journey, but one we must be prepared for when that time arrives (she hopes). I'm not a poet, at least not in the way you pen your verse, but I try. Before reading the comments I wonder who this was for, or if it was just a reflection, now I know. I'm sure there is a deeper story behind his departure. Nicely done, Christopher.

  5. Unanswered questions... So hard to let go of. Sometimes a mystery must remain just that. ((hugs))

    1. Bits and pieces have come in over the last few days. But there will always be a piece that will stay in the ice.

  6. honestly not sure how to respond. Your words touch the heart with their emotions. The reason touches for the pain of the unknown.. well versed my sorry for the reasons behind this..

    1. Thank you, Rebecca. I'm not sure why I decided to bring it back on Google, but it's now been almost three years and sadness comes back.


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