The Picture (Blogophilia 12.13)

The pictures fill the screen
News crews are arrested
And attempt to suppress
The negative mirror image
Of what we supposedly stand for.

Reprehensible behavior is celebrated
As hell broke luce.
We watch helplessly
Cruelty only humans are capable of.

Would we tempt fate to intervene?
Or be the cowards 
Knowing nothing changes 
Until the time 
When time is no more?


Topic-Dave Coon
Pic-Tyler Myrth

Pic guesses: Overlook, Aerial view, Down in the Valley, Inheritance, High Ground, 


  1. The news has been pretty ugly. 8 points Earthling


    1. Yes, it has been. I wrote the scrap this was based on earlier this year late at night after whatever issue had come up in the newsfeed. The last 48 hours only solidified it.

  2. When I was in school in Minnesota the Twin Cities felt like an oasis. Looking at it now makes me wonder how myopic I was then

    1. Most cities are like that. They put out the Chamber of Commerce view, when the reality is so much different.

    2. Overall the Twin Cities are still a good place. Neither the Governor or the Mayor of Minneapolis apparently had a plan for what the National Guard should do last night. Hopefully tonight they get a clue. -Dave S

    3. It's easy to be caught off guard by a storm like that.

  3. The world is a hot mess of reactions right now. All coming down to two choices. Fear or Love. Praying 🙏🏻 we all choose love and stop the madness. - Christine W.

  4. Sad words but such a true commentary. It literally hurts my heart watching the news about this... :'(

  5. We had hell break loose here last night. I couldn't believe my eyes and ears!


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