Last Chance Harvey-Part 13 (Blogophilia 34.11)

The creaking noise him jump, the ice machine.
3:00 AM and he couldn't sleep. Between the cops and the news of a salvage boat in Naked Lady had him completely rattled. Did the cops know more than they were letting on? More important, who knew about The Last Chance besides them? The scuttlebutt said no cops were involved, just the insurance company. It was all too much.
The image flickered across the screen. Binge watching TV shopping channels wasn't the best distraction, but it passed the time. The cheap flowered top was the wrong color for the model and the pattern did nothing to hide the fluff. Sad, there was a pretty girl in there somewhere. All of this accompanied by a shrill voice warning the viewers to log in, quantities were limited.
It didn't matter. None of it did. The lonely insomniacs wanted to see this and maybe buy. Or something else that didn't sell during the daytime.
What else is on?
A CNN segment on the Royal Couple. Some minutiae on a price tag on a dress and something about her rings. This is news?
A nomad couple traveling around the country in a tiny RV, the desert scenery a shocking brown to all the green around the lake. Hey, that's an idea. Maybe it was time to move on, like Harvey had. Leave everything behind and not worry about whether the body was real. Let it be someone else's problem. It worked in the past. Wonder if he could get a used one?
The lady is kind of cute. Maybe if Corrine were...
No. Harvey is dead and she probably is, too. Fantasy and day dreaming isn't solving anything. You can travel ten thousand miles and still stay where you are. He'd heard that somewhere before. Sooner or later, it will all be answered and they would all have to answer to their sins.
After a while, his bladder got the best of him. When he was done, he could do is pace like a caged tiger.
"Major Crimes, Williams." He grabbed the pad. "Yes, we are looking for Ms. Shiffer." A note taken. "Really? Your name again? Can we talk face to face? Great, be there in a few minutes."
Grabbing his jacket, he calls over to his partner.
"Angela. Got a tip on our missing girl. Let's roll."

Writers Choice week here at Blogophilia...By the way, if you want to join in on the fun, let us know. We are a fun group and love new contributors.
Hard prompt-use a Harry Chapin Lyric (From W.O.L.D)
Easy prompt- Use the Royal Couple
Pic guesses-Fantasy (in blog), Day dreaming (in blog), Fairy, ghost story, conjuring, spell, love.


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