Buying Clothes (Blogophilia 2.6)

"Are you all right in there, Daddy?"

I was in a local department store trying to purchase trousers.  These two older ladies were helping their much old father get a couple of pairs.  The old guy was a bit cranky about trying stuff on, but followed orders.  Kind of like a mom with the negative mirror image of a ten year old kid. 

"Go ahead and take it all off"

"Oh, I can keep the shirt on!"

"Well, yes. You can.  Just hurry up.  We've got to meet Mary at La Madeline in twenty minutes."

It turned out that it didn't take that long for them make the decision, which was good.  I need that fitting room for my stuff. 

I am not a clothes horse.  I only go shopping when it is time to replace something.  Like a pair off dress pants.  I always go into the store with my rose colored glasses hoping I'll find something that fits and is suitable for work quickly.  But that never happens.

 I am not an easy person to fit.  I'm 5' 8" and 215lbs., which isn't really so bad.  Except I have a very long torso and short legs.  Do you know how hard it is to find a 29" inseam in a normal waist size?  I also have what I refer to as a low center of gravity.  I fully sympathize with the ladies who can't get the right waist to hips ratio.  I have the same problem.  The waist fits and the pants give me a wedgie.  The straddle is right and the waist is 3/4" too big. 

And then you have the styles.  I prefer flat front, no cuffs, with a very slight taper.  And I like muted colors. Now the colors are usually not a problem, but this trip they looked like refugees from the Pro Shop at the golf course.  I was able to find something appropriate and went to make my purchase. 

The girl at the registers was a fairly heavily inked young lady.  And none of the artwork was attractive.  I am old fashioned in that I like an unmarked canvas.  Ink detracts from the pleasures of the natural shapes.  This girl had on a top that didn't quite meet her beltline, so I could see her stamp started just below her navel continued further south.  Did she also have the hardware?  I realized I didn't want to know.  So I finished and headed out into the sunny day.  And immediately stopped at the river for a walk. 


  1. it seems no matter where you go shopping men's shops that is... its always full of women!!...
    why is that Christopher?... strange!!
    I have a simple body size...
    my chest and waste and hips are the same size...
    ahahahahah... a bit like one size fits all ... lol
    so when I shop for clothes I do it just when the shops are closing.. less women in then lol...
    and I mostly find they will have one in my size and its going to be black... lol
    yes I dress with a shovel and the imagination of a frog!!.... ahahahah...
    brilliant blog pal... loved it..

    1. I think the wives (or daughters, in this case) are embarrassed for us. They spend so much time on their appearance, they think we should look as good as them.

  2. We are opposites: my torso is short comparitively. but that is easier to deal. So I don't hate clothes shopping, but it isn't something I do for fun. For fun I shop for beer and wine...


  3. It seems always a chore for men to go clothes shopping and never fun. lol...I know the feeling though how it is hard to find something to fit just right... the river walk sounded nice.

    Michelle K

  4. Well that showed me more about you. My problem with clothes is I’m very short as well as the other issues you mentioned. Loved the last paragraph. Clean canvas indeed and hardware lol

    and BTW - trevor dresses better than he lets on here :D

    1. You never know what is under the gift wrapping these days. ;)

  5. If I want hardware I go to a hardware store! I am in alignment with your thoughts on needles and pins! 8 points Earthling! :)

  6. I tend to be picky too. I'm not big on shopping and it's supposed to be a girl/woman thing.

    --Diana Jay

  7. I can understand how frustrating it must be to go clothes shopping when you have a long torso and shorter legs. I have the same issue myself.... I'm on the short/petite side so I either have to get "cropped" or "ankle" length pants if I can't get the exact inseam measurement. It's probably a lot easier in women's styles to "fake" it.

    But that doesn't take away from my shopping addiction. Unlike Sally Depapae, though, I prefer to shop alone. (I like the freedom of going wherever I like without anyone breathing down my neck I suppose haha!)

    1. Frankly, I would rather go to the dentist. But that said, I work better and quicker alone. I know my sizes and generally what works at the office.

      Although, I HAVE been known to pick up seriously gaudy Hawaiian shirts from time to time. :)

  8. i will admit that it is nice to see the canvass unmarked, it has a beauty so soft.

    1. Kind of like Venus rising. Anything else is just graffiti.

  9. You are I are built just alike, so I feel your pain. The day Levi's came out with 550 jeans was the happiest day of my life.


    1. Yeah, I made the transition to 550's from 505's a few years ago.

  10. I was born with a totally straight body..very narrow hips and none of my clothes stay up. It is very annoying. I am always told to get "boyfriend jeans" but it is not always easy to find them!

  11. Very much enjoyed this...Being one who hates clothes shopping...
    I empathized totally! I am usually in the fitting stall next to the teenager who berates her mom with statements like..."I hate this...this is so gross...I won't wear ANY of it"! I think-just wait till you have to pay for your own clothes you spoiled little brat!!! As for the ink...some go as far as blocking out all skin...just seeing it gives me a visual overload. I still think it is an addiction like all fills a place somewhere inside...that is lacking...and needs filling. Different strokes for different folks, I guess. Really enjoyed the read! Demme

    1. I've heard those before, too. During the same trip, there was a lady with a couple of kids (10-12 about) and the girl was sitting in the cart like a toddler. I had to make a comment how I like the baby.


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