A Post Holiday Call (Blogpophilia 21.15)


In the call center outside Dallas TX...


Good Day to you and thank you for calling Devil's Quill, Gluttony Central. My name is Big Bertha. How may I help you? You want to gift your skinny sister a new body? Are you sure you don't want the Petty Jealousy division? You say she force fed you stuffing and cranberry sauce and kept all the pumpkin pie for herself? Let me patch in a couple of people. Hold, Please.


"Wrath Division, Sandy speaking."

"I've got a suc...er... client on the phone where we can get a two-fer. You have time to sit in?


"Hello. Thank you for holding. I have Sandy from our Wrath division and he's going be able to help your issue. 

"Bertha tells me you were stuffed with stuffing and cranberry sauce and you want revenge how? To stuff her? Hmmm... Let me pull the records....Oh, my. Lot's of lust and envy there. It looks like she did  this to snag your husband. Oh, you say they have been having an affair? Let me update the fine."

"Sandy, I think this calls for our 'Dessert Package."

"Yes, indeed it does. This entails a trip to a candy factory where they get molded for all time. We'll get you set up right away and thank you for thinking of Devil's Quill."


"Bertha, are you still on line."


"That package is for all three of them. Our caller lied about knowing about the affair."

"Got it. I have the table for three all ready."

Topic-Holiday Jealousy

Hard Prompt:Include a candy factory

Easy Prompt: Stuffing


  1. Ha! That serves her right, keeping the pumpkin pie all to herself! Love the Devil's Quill series. This one is extra delicious LOL! KUDOS Earthling!


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