Looking at the Forecast (WWG 1.28)

 Click on the weather.

"Hurricane Ian is now a Cat 1 and is expected to intensify."

That's nice.

"It is currently moving NNW and expected to turn due north in the next 24 hours."


"The current tract puts landfall in the Big Bend area of Florida."


"Bringing rains and tropical storm winds to Atlanta by Saturday night."

Yeah, I've been here before. The question right now is will it stay together long enough to cause problems here. Way too early to tell. But it wouldn't be surprising to be sitting awake listening to the wind rattle the windows and wonder if I wasn't actually at the beach. A tropical storm sounds like being in the middle of heavy surf and all you think about is what you're going to see when you get up. Another tree across the deck? Maybe it hit the house full force. Who knows?

I'll be watching Weather Channel more than my phone for the next week, for sure.

Oh, and Jim Cantore just landed in Tampa.


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