Paparazzi (Blogophilia 11.13)

Friday night
Watching the flickering screen 
Paparazzi hounding couples on a sidewalk
Cold.  Distant. Unhappy.
VanCleef and Arpels on their ankles
Liquor of the month on lips
Knowing it will all come to an end

It's a business relationship only
Not personal
They want to fly away

I never cared for what they do.
I never cared for what they know.

The rich images shine out
Selling image of "freedom"
And lust you can have
No rules, but no progress

They are not like me,
They are just like me
Prisoners of their own circumstances

Would I take that path?
In a heartbeat, I would...


Topic-Jessica Brooke

Pic-Diana Jillian

Pic Guesses-Fly away (in blog) bird on a wire, ET revisited, Up, Dream, float away, higher, drifting in the wind


  1. When I was much younger I might have been tempted by that, fortunately I suppose I very had the choice in front of me

    1. Yep. An audition or two going the other way...

      Looking back, I dodged bullets.

  2. We are happy to not have notoriety as long as we have bacon. 8 points Earthling


  3. Oh my gosh!!! I'm so sorry I haven't been reading or
    commenting. Honestly I didn't even remember about accessing blogs
    on the reader's list! I do remember you now and how I used to love
    reading you. I just don't remember how we became aquainted. MySpace?
    Friendburst? GPlus? What? At any rate, I'm Voo if you remember me. I'm
    going through this list now and deleting the defunct ones. Visit me if you
    wish and Follow me so I don't lose track of you again. Thank you

  4. Those people the paparazzi follow around are in a fishbowl constantly, making me glad I'm just plain me.

    1. It has to be frustrating to keep up appearances 24/7. Just the slightest drift off and you get slammed.

  5. When I was younger I was intrigued with the idea of fame... But never had the opportunity and quickly learned it would NEVER have been for me. Hell, I abhor networking, haha! I'd much rather be out in nature with my camera snapping sunsets, birds and wildlife....

  6. Keeping up with the Jones, is never a good end game. Still nice cars are fun to drive.


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