Storms's Comin' (Blogophilia 5.13)

So, I'm burning up another one of my notes drafts this week. I hope it works since I got a nice little pop-up saying it wasn't updated to the New Facebook. Well, Duh. I know that. 

I'm looking out my window waiting for the rains to come and wash out all the pollen, but the lead clouds are just staying put. 

I'm kind of throwing in the towel this week on any kind of coherent story. I thought about rewriting an old Kari Summers piece called "Michael", part of which takes place in New Orleans when rains came and the levees broke. But after reading it, I decided it was going to need too much work to get it done in time. 

Then I thought about doing a Devil's Quill segment where Marty Mammon gets in over his head with the Lucky 19 Covid Plague script he launched. But I didn't think this was a good time for gallows humor, which I know it would devolve into. Sometimes it is all you have available. 

It's been a week of sadness and loss. And then I think about Dolly Parton and smile. She said "The way I see it, if you want the rainbow, you have to put up with the rain."

And she's right. 


Topic-Jay Sole

Pic-Rebecca Revels

Pic guesses: Creek, rising, bridge, passing. 


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