Last Chance Harvey-Part 22 (Blogophilia 43.11)

Steam built around his face cup from as he sipped his bitter brew.
“Can’t you see? Can’t you see? What that woman’s been doin’ to me…”
The earworm danced in Jim’s mind. He was hoping to get away. Was it really her? He couldn’t help wondering, so lost and vulnerable. Something to hold and protect. He could be the hero, parachuting in at the last minute. The spoils of victory made him smile.
Or it could be just a giant ruse. She was Harvey’s girl, trained and loyal. But he’s dead. And she’s smart enough to carry on how she always had. The more he thought about it, the more the skeleton thing seemed fake.
One way or another, they will know soon.
Jerry pulled the tug into the dock. The dive area was fully marked. As a salvage job, there really wasn’t much there. But the skeleton had to be checked out, preferably without the cops knowing about it.
A golden sun dog reflected in the dark silver of the cloud bank on the far bank, while a crescent moon rose on near.
Just like a red sunrise, a storm was coming. With luck he’d ride it out in the harbor.
Tom sat in his office. Maybe it was true that no one had enemies but themselves. Hunters knew this. Deer season was during rut. And rutting last night was the best he’d ever had. Now he was the prey.
It wasn’t like he had a lot of money. But he did have access to a lot of boats.
Which is why he told the cops she was alive.
The woman made an attempt to sit up, pulling on the shackles holding her prone in the cell.
Damn, this bench is cold. She thought of yelling out for a blanket, but that would only bring another beating by the bitch on duty. “More, Ma’am. May I have more?” She laughed silently. Funny how the female guards were worse than the boys. It was like she was competition or something.
She wondered if the finger prints had come back. There were two warrants in Fort Lauderdale she knew of. But there were other situation where they had slipped out without detection. She wondered if they ever found out about the guy with the Jet ski? It never came up when she was questioned that time after Harvey died.
That was the problem with jail. All you can do is think.
She didn’t want to.
All she wanted to do is get drunk and laid. And she knew with whom she wanted to do it with. But the way things were going, it wasn’t going to happen.

Pic guesses: Parachuting (in blog), Elf, Santa bear, fuzzy soldier, Operation Charlie commence!,


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