Demon Training-LUST!!

Marty Mammon enters the room and taps on the podium. The silence is immediate.
"Hello again, everyone. I have a treat for you. Let me introduce you to your next instructor, Rachel Jezebel."
A slender cheerleader bounds into the room. She is dressed in the traditional DQ red uniform of a red jacket and skirt over a white, wide collared blouse, which makes her look suspiciously like a flight attendant. The voice fills every crevice of the room.
"Hello, everyone. My name is Rachel and I will be your guide to the wonderful world of...LUST!!"
With a tug, the uniform comes off, leaving her in a Baywatch style one piece. All of her assets are outlined for all to see.
The room is silent
"What? No whistles? I must be slipping.” She smiles. “Oh, wait. The program is disabled. Demons can't care."
With a wave, the stewardess suit reappears. Snake like, she scans the young trainees.
"I use this demonstration for a couple of purposes. The obvious one is to draw men, specifically, to forget what they were doing and watch me. The second is to trigger other programming errors that Maker left in the original operating software."
"Replication Lust is code all Mortals have and it forms the basis of everything DQ does. One, Dante Allegheri, described it as being tossed by a never ending wind. It is desire, not superficially like Envy. But in the deep, visceral need to continue the Mortal species. And because it is hard wired, it can be exploited in more ways than the imagination can perceive. "
"I'll give another example:"
"This picture is similar to my swimsuit demo in the men start thinking: ‘Oooh, Biker Chick! Bet she doesn't play by the rules.’ The women on the other hand, either think ‘Wish that was me.’ an escape from a boring or hateful existence; or ‘What a slut!" referencing a threat to their long term replication hopes. This distinction between the genders is important to keep in mind as you go along. Men and women differ in base programming, so you have to treat each case accordingly.”
“When Lust is successful, the distraction from following Maker's protocols opens back doors to turning them over to our side. Each project will have their own goals, but the process is still the same. Distract, exploit, and turn.”
“One method is to pit Men and Women already in replications runs against each other by giving them the chance to swing with multiple partners. This is always at a cost to their souls. Most mortals don’t care, though, until each partner learns they aren’t the only one. To say no one is jumping for joy is when it is revealed is an understatement. It is a thing of beauty when the loops overheat, leading to all DQ’s assets coming into play.”
“From time to time, you will run into ones with enhanced error traps to catch the basic version of distraction. These traps recognize the mating function works better with long term partner parameters. The workarounds to this aren't difficult. Lust isn't always about mating. It is the unnatural attraction to anything. Gold and Food are substituted when sex alone doesn't do the trick. Resources attract mates and mates have sex, both good and bad.”
“As I said, the self-perpetuating protocol includes resource gathering as well as replication. If one isn't weak, the other usually is. When you go down the resource gathering route, you will find upgrading to the more complex sins like Greed and Envy will enhance the Lust component to spin your target into a hypocritical mess, completely unusable to Maker industries. Or, you can combine Greed and Wrath end up with a replication routine that destroys rather than creates. It doesn’t matter. In the end, you will have captured one or more souls to be put to work for Mr. Beezlebub.”
“It has been a pleasure, but my time is up. Let me leave you with this.”
“As every kiss begins with Kay, every DQ deception begins with Lust.”
“I wish you every success in your toils.”
[Rachael leaves in a puff of smoke. Marty waves and coughs a bit]
"OK. Let's take a short break, Easy Riders. Cold coffee is the back of the room."
OK Martien Ecrits here’s to another successful season.
Freewheeling Topic-LUST! (as if you didn’t guess)
Hard Prompt-Mention Dante’s Inferno
Easy Prompt-hypocritical
Pic guesses: Easy Rider (blog), Biker Chick (in blog), Slut (in blog), Hog, Panhead, relaxing, Soft Tail, Loud, Road trip
Pic Guesses: Escape (in blog), swing (in blog), up in the air, amusement park, breeze,
Pic Guesses: Jump for Joy (in blog), x games, Olympics, ski jump, hot dogging, cold comfort,


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