YouTube musings...

Hey, Heidy and Howdy! It's your old buddy, Harry Handy floating along the Geritol trail. Over the years, people have asked me: "Harry! Is you life only moldy and oldie?" No, not really. I do wander what they refer to as "Socialist Media" from time to time to get ideas for good ol' WOFT.

Let me guide you oldsters in some of things available. Trolling along one day, I found a second generation Hippy couple walking the talk about being off the grid and out of the MAN'S grasp:

The wife, Esther is the daughter of Carla Emery who was one of the ultimate Hippy Chicks. She's got some interesting things to say

And then there is this youngster living the ultimate "Year Off Dream"

And when you select any of those, the YouTube algorithm sends you down the rabbit hole of crazier and crazier stuff.

Yep, clear out before the bombs come...Where have I heard that before?

A good reminder that no matter how the kaleidoscope changes, it all remains the same. Someone, somewhere wants to destroy your world and everything in it. With luck, we'll already be dead when it happens. If not, we'll still be dead.

Sleep tight, Ladies and Gents.

If you can. 


  1. My bf/ex or whatever I call him at the moment is a prepper and watches all those videos, and I at first thought he was pretty crazy. Then I began to think..and now we have Trump and all and it doesn't seem so crazy. I have a friend who is one too. People have gone pretty nuts over it! Have you seen the MGTOW movement, aka Men Going Their Own Way? They are men who choose to be single for women cost too much money to maintain and so much of a headache and such, hard to explain. Also look at this one woman who hosts a youtube channel show called "Queer Kids Stuff" where she teaches all the kinds of gender identity to a really young audience. It is disturbing on many levels, yet her songs are catchy. Basically she gets made fun of in everyone else's videos..then look up Lacie Green the feminist extreme. ok..seen way too much youtube or rather listened to it as my bf played it nonstop. so yes..a few crazy things to check out.

    1. Given everyone's touchiness at the least bit of offense, I really am not surprised that MRA and MGTOW exist. The legal risks get higher and higher for a much lower benefit.

      As to the Gender Fluid folks, all the ones I have personally met have had major trauma in their lives. And the fluidity seems to be a coping mechanism. Sometimes it works, but often it is more isolating.

    2. I didn't even know about all the gender fluid or classifications that exist. So being straight is "Cisgender"? Give me a break. I only knew about transgender before all the hype is because my brother in law is transgender. Obviously, I am not homophobic in the least I just don't get why there are more and more labels people choose to put upon themselves.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I'd be happy being a little less dependent, but pretty sure I'd never want to be all the way off the grid.

    1. How I got started with this is I have had a life long dream of doing one lap of America. I landed on Hobo Ahle's channel, which then led me to the Emerys, who I do find interesting, but I don't think I'll be going there.

      Other than Ahle's valley girl delivery, I like how she presents the project. When I do mine, I'll have a good bit more direction. But that is because I'm older and have some idea where I want to go and what I want to accomplish.

  4. We always enjoy a Good Harry blog. 8 points for the road Earthling


    1. Sorry the meds must not be working today - ignore that last comment and points


    2. Oh, I would have welcomed the extra points. Bring them on....

      But, no. This isn't a Blogo post. Just an off the cuff one.

  5. You crack me up...Clever presentation this week

  6. Off the grid sounds fun, but I think I would miss the grid over time. These were fun.

    1. Yeah, it really isn't for me. But I do like their presentation.

  7. I love how one thing leads to another and leads to another. Definitely a great way of discovering new things.


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