A Night in Treme (Blogophilia 44.6)

Dark night in Treme
Joe came into the bar
Black sheep of his family
He'd float down this far.

Voodoo Priestess saw him
Shaggy dog mane came down
Slid down the stool to greet him
And give him the night on the town

Joe did not know what to do
With this tall dark rail.
With eyes widening
He looked for a way to bail

She wasn't having none of that
There was something she needed
With long lost words, whispered slowly
The recalcitrant spirit heeded.

Shooting through the dank Esplanade
Down to Jackson Square
As they hurried forth
Passerby gaped at the mismatched pair.

Soon, a house they came to
Another incantation said
They embraced violently 
And another spell read

When it was done, the Priestess laughed
At the sight she had wrought
Sagittarius in the flesh
And Joe hopelessly caught. 


  1. Many many years ago I started a story with “dark and stormy night” then I was told what a cliche it is ... how was I to know? Have you seen the TV series Treme? Terrific
    Interesting slant to the prompts

    1. It's sort of realistic. Especially with the street life. I've spent some time there. Very interesting area.

  2. Poor Joe and maybe lucky Joe, very nice gritty feel


  3. Hey Joe! An interesting poem! Certainly not the night Joe was expecting when he entered the bar. 8 points Earthling And a Merry Christmas Wish to you! :)

  4. A fabulous poem. New Orleans was one city I wouldn't rush back to, just had a dark feel to it, and you capture that here. -David II

    1. It really is a strange place. I haven't been since Katrina, but it was always in the category of great to visit,never would live there.

  5. sagittarius in the flesh...will get you everytime! Nice foreboding poem.

    1. Centaur Joe is an old character. I'm glad to have been about to tell his start.

  6. So wonderfully creative. Awesome indeed from a fellow Sagittarian . . . . ~barb k~

  7. Nicely penned. I like how the tale went and how you wove in the challenges. A bit eery but it worked. --Leta

  8. Wow, a riveting, intense write with a mystical feel to it. Felt like I was in an old New Orleans bar ....


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