Last Night. (GBE 2 113)

Ah, the sign we all ignored.

Oh, we saw it all right.

And we still had the drink.

Went upstairs with that person,

Whose name escapes us now.

Night more smelt and felt 

Than seen.

Awakening we find

The dog where they were.


  1. Oh boy!! I remember having a night like that in my sordid past. LOLOLOLOL I loved this...brilliant job.


  2. I never had a night like that i mean i read comments and chuckle..guess being a Deacon's daughter and not knowing about alcohol limits you. Today its different...but i still would definitely want to cook them breakfast the next morning for round FIVE and the DOG would NOT be allowed in that bedroom! :0)

    1. Ah, there is the difference. When you have the beer googles on, you discernment becomes quite foggy and you become Shallow Hal.

  3. I can visualize this perfectly. Nicely done.

    1. Yeah, I've woken up in a few places I really shouldn't have. One time, it bought me a four year relationship.

  4. Been there and done that, without the dog. No dogs allowed, or did I just not see it through the beer goggles. Hmmm. Great another thing to not be so proud of.

    Memories better forgotten, perhaps.

  5. Can't say this has ever happened to me... or, I won't.


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