Post Halloween (WWG 33)

 Hey, Heidy and Howdy!  It's your old buddy Harry Handy, the randiest DJ on your Internet dial. Yeah, it's been a while since I've been on. You see, I've transitioned. Where I was a free spirited human, I'm now...

That's right, folks. The good ol' Grim Reaper came in the form of a sexy vampire and slipped her teeth in and I was transferred to the media department of Devil's Quill Communications.

So, how does an Internet Sensation like myself handle the post All Souls blues? With fire, of course. 

My new gig isn't too bad and Mr. Beezlebub seems to like my playlists. I mean, what can he do if I mess up like I did topside?

What's that?


One more earworm before I sign off.

Don't look for the stop button. There isn't one. 


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