Back in the Office. (Blogophilia 24.13)

Marty comes into the office after a couple of days at Lake of the Fires. On his desk in a note from Beezelbub. He needs the 144-K numbers yesterday. It's nice to be wanted. He pulls the ash covered laptop and powers up...then sigs. 225 new messages, mostly spam. That's all it was good for these days. Everything truly business-related went to Slack or Skype. Quickly scanning the subject lines, he marks them for deletion ten at a time. He would have selected all, but the last time he did he missed a meeting invite disguised as a dating site.

On his third set, one caught his attention" "It Could Have Been YOU!, highlighted in yellow" 

Ooh. Clickbait. Probably some diamond level multilevel market guru on our payroll revealing the secret to wealth. Yeah, I'm already there. Not interested. He clicked the deletion box. It wouldn't stay clicked. Instead, a pop-up box said he must open it. Oh, great. Malware. I wonder how that got over the firewall.  It was going to be an awkward conversation with the Help Desk. The normal questions about opening Emails from outside the network and all would be asked. But he should be covered since he had been out of the office when it came in. Maybe it was a good time to get some ice water. 

What time was it? 9:25? The Help Desk is in Edinburgh, so it's what? 2:25 there? Good. Maybe they'll be sober this time. He'd had the misfortune of calling them late on a data issue, and it was obvious they'd been to the Pub for dinner. It took three times as long as it should have. But they had sent over fifths when it was over for the boss and him.  

With a shrug, he hits the button. The voice on the other end was slurry. 

"Debbil's Quill InfoTech. Kin I 'alp??

"This is Marty Mammon. I've got an issue with  Email."

"Aye, Sir. Don' we all?"

Kind of snarky. He liked that. Still, he's got to finish up the deletions.

"Look, I've got work to do. You want a new assignment?"

"Gonny nae do dat, Sir." Real fear. He liked that. "What's the issha?"

"I've got one that has me locked up."

"Does it start with 'I could have been you?'"


"Nothin'  canna be done from this end, Sir." The voice replied. You'll have to unplug and plug back in."

"Will this bypass it?

"No garantay's. Even for executives like you."

The phone goes dead. Maybe this automation stuff isn't so good after all. 


I'm getting or I was like Scotty up there. Here are the guesses.

Topic-Diana Jillian

Pic-Irene Melgolza

Pic guesses" Pods, lit, night scene, social distanced, isolation


  1. Automation can drive a person mad. Ha -Dave Schrader

  2. Just open it. Really what does he have to loose

  3. What a nightmare this is turning out to be. Starting out with desperate measures is never a good plan.

  4. Hmmmm...I have a feeling that 'the other side' knows more to it.


  5. I love the way you did the woman's accent. Anticipating the doomsday explosion that might happen when he is forced to open that email :D

  6. Great Scottish accent. Best I've ever read. ;)


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