
Showing posts from January, 2020

Breakup (Blogophilia 45.12)

Jive talkin’, wearing a disguise It is all you know You left your real self behind long ago. Like lavender in a bathroom Covering the smell of deceit And serve Chamomile tea To calm my nerves You ask me to trust But no more. I only verify your lies. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Topic- Dave Coon Pic: Angel, death, lovers, winged serpent, alabaster, marble

A Blatant, Shamless Plug

Recently, I submitted a story to an anthology and, lo and behold, IT GOT ACCEPTED!! So, as bit of marketing, hit the link and give the publishers some love. I have to admit, it is a fun read. Heat The Grease.

Sleepless (Blogophilia 44.12)

A dream of a party Revisiting the past Of those who made me and passed away Sitting in bed Scratching my head Forty years? Sleep is no more. I walk out to the bluff Neapolitan clouds signal The dawn of the new day Do I go back on the chain gang? Or relish my freedom? Either way, the storm would still catch me. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Topic- Tyler Myrth Pic- Jay Sole Pic guesses: Bluff (in blog), Cliff, drop off, shear, sandstone, should I?, end of the road

Quickie (Blogophilia 43.12)

The models cavorted under the starry, starry night Instagram perfect in their virginal white taffeta Snowbound in an old, obvious lie The marketing image designed As distraction to the world I'm just a simple man, I fine them a little hard to understand The postmodern girls ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Topic- Dahlia Ramone Pic- David Schrader Pic guesses: Nebula, galaxy, starlight, starry night, new moon, dark before the dawn

Skillet Blackberry Pie

I'm going to have to try this one. Jus' Sayin