Last Chance Harvey-Part 4 (Blogophilia 25.11)
"Beer?" Nodding, Jim took the bottle. Jerry''s boat was nice, but he'd rather have gone back to his trailer. The bong looked lonely on the table next to him. and Should he? Hell, yes. The whole dive kept rolling like a endless looped movie. Mere alcohol wasn't going to be enough. Even weed may not be enough, but at least the view will change. The bag was in his jacket pocket. Looking intently, he could still see sticky sap on the leaves. And more than enough for now. Loaded and fired, smoke filled the short glass tube. Rings curled as communion was passed. Burning his fingers with the lighter, Jim drew like there was no tomorrow. The quicker conscious thought is obliterated, the better. Almost imperceptibly, the edges of the day-mare blurred and time began to drag. He looked over the stern rail into the moonless sky. Cabin lights looked like eyes peeping at them. No words had been said on the way back to the dock. Even stowing gear didn't draw a...